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Class 5 - Folders & Campaigns
Class 5 - Folders & Campaigns

Knak Admin Certification

Felix Higgs avatar
Written by Felix Higgs
Updated over a week ago

This class discusses folder and campaigns, and how to use them!

Key learning objectives:

  • How to find folders

  • How to add and delete folders

  • Difference between folders and campaigns

  • How to clone assets

  • How to move assets between folders

Folders & Campaigns Video - 4 Minutes πŸ‘‡

Want to learn some more? Here are some help docs that are related to this topic!

Got a collection of reusable assets for a specific event (e.g. a webinar)?

Put them all in a campaign folder and allow your users to clone the entire campaign each time they need to run that event.

​Setting up a well-defined folder structure early on is key.

Your future self will thank you!

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