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How to sync your Emails and Landing Pages to your Integrations
How to sync your Emails and Landing Pages to your Integrations

How to sync and view the sync status of your email sync

Updated over a month ago

*You will need to have syncing permissions for your role to successfully sync assets.

Follow these steps to sync your assets to your connected integrations:

Step 1: Open the asset that you would like to sync > Press the "Publish" button > then press "Sync":

Step 2: Select your integration - from here you can also tell if there is a connection issue with your integration that needs to be fixed:

Step 3: Find your sync location, click it, and press next:

Step 4: Press Confirm and Sync when you're ready to send your asset to your Marketing Automation Platform!

Step 5: As soon as you press sync you'll see the sync review check to make sure your asset fits the sending requirements:

Step 6: View sync status - The status of the sync can be found in the sync status log which can be found via the button in the bottom left corner of any Knak screen:

Step 7: If the sync is successful, the status will show as completed. If it has failed, there will be error message under status:

And that's it! After a successful sync you'll see your email or landing page in your Marketing Automation Platform :)

Quick Video Tutorial: How to Sync an Asset

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