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All CollectionsUsing KnakPerformance Insights
Performance Insights (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
Performance Insights (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)

Learn how to set up and use Knak Performance Insights (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)

Updated over a week ago

Note: This feature is currently in Alpha testing. Please reach out to if you would like to participate.

Knak's new Performance Insights feature set enables you to view key email metrics right in Knak!

Performance Insights (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)

Performance Insights (Salesforce Marketing Cloud) pulls key email metrics from Marketing Cloud into Knak for easy access. Gone are the days of waiting to learn how your emails performed. Once your campaign is launched from Marketing Cloud, you can check how it performed in Knak.

How do I enable this feature?

Knak Administrators can enable Performance Insights by following these easy steps:

  1. Navigate to the Admin side of your Knak instance

    Screenshot of admin tab

  2. Select Platforms under the Integrations dropdown menu

    Red arrow pointing to platforms section under integrations tab

  3. Locate your Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration and click Edit

    Red arrow pointing to edit button for SFMC integration

  4. Under Advanced Options toggle on Turn on Performance Data and click Save

    Arrow pointing to toggled on performance data feature

Important Notes

  • Metrics will only be shown for emails synced and sent after this feature is enabled via the above steps

  • All you need are the same permissions that your Marketing Cloud integration requires for syncing to Marketing Cloud

  • Knak requests these metrics from Marketing Cloud four times per day. While we cannot guarantee how long it will take the Salesforce API to return the data, in general, you can expect to see updated metrics four times a day.

  • For Performance Insights (Marketing Cloud), it will pull in the performance metrics from your first send on the asset

    • Full sends and test sends are included in this

    • If you don’t want a send to be used in your Performance Insights display, you can disable send reports when doing a send

      • Test send

        Screenshot of a test send metrics from SFMC arrow pointing to "suppress this send from reports"

      • Real send

        Screenshot from a live email that was sent from SFMC with arrow pointing to "suppress from send report"

What metrics are available?

  • Total sent

  • Total delivered

  • Total opens & open rate

  • Total clicks and click-through rate

  • Total unsubscribes and unsubscribe rate

Where can I see these metrics?

Your metrics will be displayed in two places:

  1. On the asset tile in both the Studio and campaign views

    Performance tab screenshot from inside the asset

  2. Under the Performance tab of the Knak Builder

Other FAQ

Are there any limits to how much data I can retrieve in Knak?

Limits for retrieving data from Salesforce Marketing Cloud are subject to the basic API request limits on your Marketing Cloud instance.

Which emails will I see metrics for?

You can see metrics for all emails that are synced to and sent from Marketing Cloud after the date that the feature was enabled.

Why does data stop importing after 30 days?

To ensure that we can parse our bulk exports as efficiently as possible and deliver the most recent and relevant metrics to customers, we only import new metrics for 30 days after the first import.

After 30 days, you will still be able to view your historical metrics on the asset tile or by opening the email and viewing the Performance tab.

Need more help? Contact Support via live chat within Knak using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner or email

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