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Image library permissions

How to setup and edit permissions in your image library

Felix Higgs avatar
Written by Felix Higgs
Updated over a week ago

Knak has introduced additional settings that allow you control which of your users can view, edit and manage specific folders in your image library.
Using this feature you can restrict access so that individual users or users with only certain roles can access specific folders and images.

How to set image library permissions

Navigate to your image library by clicking on button on the top left and selecting Admin.

Then select Image Library under Company.

This will bring you to the folder permission setup screen where you can setup and adjust your permissions.

You can see which folder you're working in by looking at the 'Folder name' at the top of the screen.
By default each folder will be setup so that all users can read, write and manage all folders. To change that click on the trash can icon to remove the default permissions.


Next click on 'Add permission' and select one of the four options from the drop down menu.

  • Everyone - Permissions for all users in your account.

  • User - Permissions for a specific user (you can add this one multiple times to setup multiple combinations of permissions for different users.

  • Role - Permissions for all users who have a specific role assigned to their profile. (Builder, Approver or Administrator etc)

  • Brand - Permissions for all users assigned to a brand.

Permissions for any of the above groups can be changed by selecting the blue button to the right of the group. There are three settings that be activated or switched off.

  • Read - View the contents of the folder and add images in the folder to emails.

  • Write - Upload new images to the folder, edit and delete images.

  • Manage Folders - Edit permissions in a folder and update the folder structure itself such as adding sub folders.

Multiple configurations of permissions are possible for each folder:

Working with sub folder permissions

When setting up permissions on a sub folder in your image library you have the option to inherit the same permissions from the parent folder or setup custom permissions. These two options can be selected using 'Inherit Permissions' and 'Custom Permissions' buttons.

User roles and image library permissions

When setting up user role permissions there are two options available that relate to your image library.
To view or edit those, navigate to Company Settings > Roles > Select 'view permissions' next to one of your role types.
Scroll down to the image section, the first two options here relate to image folder permissions and can be switched on or off for a particular user role.

  • Update Folder Permissions - User role can change folder permissions

  • Ability to read all folders - Allows the user role read/view all folders regardless of image library permissions set. This is present for admins by default and stops users from locking themselves out of folders

The image folder permissions is a powerful tool that allows for better control of Image library contents by administrators.  We encourage you to use it as a tool to create a structure of curated brand approved images, and to keep bespoke images in dedicated folders.

*Note: At this time it is not possible to set upload limits to the Image library; however, if you would like to restrict your users you can set module restrictions on images to help limit the size of images in assets. You can learn how to set image width and height restrictions in this help document about module restrictions.

Need more help? Contact support via live chat within Knak using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner or email

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