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Acoustic Integration

Set up an integration to sync emails between Knak and Acoustic

Felix Higgs avatar
Written by Felix Higgs
Updated over a week ago

Step 1 - Generate Client ID & Client Secret

Open your Acoustic account and navigate to Settings > Administration > Organization Settings.

On the following screen expand 'Application Account Settings' and select 'Add application'

On the popup screen enter a name and description for you application, click save and on the following screen record Client ID and Client Secret details.

Step 2 - Gather User account refresh token

Select 'Add Account Access' (Also located under Application Account Access)

Find the Knak integration you set up in step 1, select a user to grant access to, add and description and select Add.

After you complete the above step you will receive an automated email from Acoustic, the email will contain a User account refresh token. Record the details of the token.

Step 3 - Rest API endpoint details

Navigate to Settings in the top right corner of the screen.

View your Campaign account information, the key piece of data you need is your Pod nunber:

Find your Pod number in the table below and record the corresponding 'New URL'

Step 4 - Set up the integration in Knak

Open your Knak account and navigate to the Admin section (top button on the left)

Go to integrations > Platforms and select 'Add new integration'

On the popup select Acoustic Integration

Complete the form by entering the details you gathered in the above steps.

In the REST Endpoint URL field enter the New URL details excluding everything after

By default all assets will be synced to the root folder in your acoustic account. If you want to sync to a different folder you can designate the folder to sync to by adding a new URL in the 'folder path' field.

That's it! You can now sync emails directly to your Acoustic Integration.

Need more help? Contact support via live chat within Knak using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner or email

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