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Class 13 - Email/Landing Page Settings
Class 13 - Email/Landing Page Settings

Knak Builder Certification

Felix Higgs avatar
Written by Felix Higgs
Updated over a week ago

This class discusses the asset details in the info tab in your Knak account!

Key learning objectives:

  • Email

    • From name and email

    • Reply email

    • Email subject

    • Preview text information

    • Tags

    • View version history

  • Landing page

    • Favicons

    • Page title

    • Page description

    • Tags

    • View version history

Email/ Landing Page Settings (Info Tab) - 4 Minutes πŸ‘‡

Further reading for this class

The Knak preview text (pre-header text) field adds empty space after the desired text, making it more robust than the way most marketing automation platforms handle this, use our field for better results!

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