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What are module variations?
Module variations are the multiple different variations you can achieve from just building one module with different elements within the module.
This means that you can now hide and show certain elements within that module without needing to recreate separate modules for the different element combinations you may need.
You may also hide and show entire sections in the asset.
How to build module variations?
Module Variation starts in the module builder.
As you are building your module, you can toggle each element to "Allow hiding in assets"
Once you the toggle is "on", you can add a name to the element (or section). If you forget to name it, we will give it a default name.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any elements or sections you may want to allow hiding in assets.
Once you are satisfied with your module set up, you can now drag that module into an asset and see it in action in the editor.