1. Install the Plugin
Step 1.1: Open Figma
Launch the Figma desktop app or open Figma in your browser.
Step 1.2: Search for the Plugin
Use the community global search to locate the plugin by name. "Knak Figma Plugin"
Click on the plugin’s listing in the Figma Community or Plugin Library.
Step 1.3: Install the Plugin
Click the Install button to add the plugin to your Figma account.
Once installed, you can access it from your list of plugins in any design file.
2. Launch the Plugin
Step 2.1: Open a Design File
Open an existing Figma file or create a new one where you want to use the plugin.
Step 2.2: Access the Plugin
Right-click on the canvas and select Plugins, then choose the newly installed plugin from the list.
Alternatively, go to Menu > Plugins and click on the plugin’s name.
Step 2.3: Wait for the Plugin to Load
Allow a few moments for the plugin’s interface to appear on your screen.