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Fragments Groups

How to add fragment groups in emails for use in Veeva

Updated over 4 months ago

Fragments are content blocks specifically designed for assets used in Veeva CRM.

In Veeva CRM, fragments are informational content blocks that can be included in emails. What makes fragments unique is that they can be selected for inclusion just before an email is sent, similar to attaching a document to an email, but in this case, the content is embedded directly within the email. To make a fragment available in a Veeva CRM asset, it must be included when the asset is being created in Knak.

Creating and Using Fragment Groups in Knak

In Knak, the fragment content needs to be created as a module. These modules then should be appropriately named and categorized as Fragments for ease of use.

Creating Fragments from Scratch:

  • Create an Asset to build your Fragments

  • Build Fragments using Knak Builder

  • Save as Modules

  • Name Fragments According to Conventions

  • Categorize as Fragment & Assign to Brands

Add Existing Fragments to an Asset:

  • Drag in the fragment content block from the content menu

  • Configure the settings for the minimum and maximum number of fragments.

    • In Veeva CRM, this would prevent reps from adding zero email fragments into an email template without any other content. It would also prevent reps from dragging too many email fragments into an email template.

Fragment Groups on Submission Sync

Submission syncs are for medical legal and regulatory reviews that occur in Veeva Vault. They only include desktop and mobile renders of an email in PDF format.

On submission sync, the fragment group is replaced with an image for both desktop and mobile renditions.

Fragment Groups on CRM Sync

CRM syncs are for customers that use Veeva Vault Approved Emails that send emails via Veeva CRM. The file format is HTML.

On CRM Sync, the fragment group is replaced with the insert email fragments token.


The minimum_modules and maximum_modules are replaced with integers set in the fragment group’s attribute section in Knak.


The token allows Veeva CRM users to add individual email fragments into the email before sending.

Fragment groups will not be synced to Veeva Vault along with the email. They need to be manually exported.

Export Fragment Groups

You can export fragment groups after adding them to the corresponding asset and downloading the asset from Knak.

Downloading assets with Fragment Groups:

  1. Open the asset containing the fragment groups

  2. Select the Publish button and hover over the Download option

  3. Choose Veeva CRM Zip to download the asset zip file.

Fragments cannot be downloaded as a module since they are built to be added to an asset.

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