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UTM/URL Parameters

How to add URL Parameters to links in your emails

Felix Higgs avatar
Written by Felix Higgs
Updated over 6 months ago

URL parameters allow you to capture information about a click on a particular link for purposes such as tracking, sorting and displaying dynamic content.Β 

The parameter part of a link URL is generally anything after a question mark ? in the URL string.

Knak helps with the process of adding URL parameters by allowing links to be edited on three levels:

  • On the individual link

  • On an entire email

  • For any email created under a specific brand

Adding links to an individual email

Open the email you want to work with and select 'Link Review' from the drop down in the top nav bar.

On the following screen you can add a global URL parameter which would be added to all links in the email.

Or you can edit each individual link including URL parameters.

Adding URL parameters to all emails created under a specific brand

You will need a user account with a permission level that allows you to access and edit brands. Contract your account administrator for more details.

On the left side of the screen navigate to Studio > Admin > Brands and select edit next the the relevant brand.

On the following screen scroll down to the Email Options section and enter your URL parameter. This will automatically be applied to any link in any email created under the brand.

Adding URL parameters to modules

To be able to add URL parameters to links in your modules, you'll need to enable this for your account. If you are an admin, go to Admin > Settings > Modules & Themes and turn on Preset URL Tagging.

Once enabled, users will be able to set url parameters on links within modules or themes. Those URL parameters will be locked down when a user uses that module in an email.

Need more help? Contact support via live chat within Knak using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner or email

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