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Creating a Brand
Felix Higgs avatar
Written by Felix Higgs
Updated over 3 months ago

Using Brands in Knak allows you to keep your branding on point.

To add a brand to your instance:

  1. Go to the Admin section and select Brands

2. Under Brand List, click on the Add a brand button.

3. In the General section, enter your Brand name and Brand logo.

4. In the Color section, select the color palettes you want to use within your brand. You can select one or more palettes to use. Find more about brand colors here.

5. In the Typography section, select any of the font families you want to be used with the brand. You can find more about Typography here.

*Note: Assets created under a brand will inherit the default font set on brand level automatically.

6. After this is completed, click on the Next button to move on to the Social links section. Enter all of your social links which will be used with your social icons. When these are complete, click on the Next button.

7. The final section is the Email/Page Settings. Enter the URL parameters for your emails and landing pages and the default language.

Next enter your present Email Settings (default title, default from email, default from name, default reply-to email, and email width, default email parameters, and default custom head code). You can have multiple presets in a brand.

After you completed the Email Settings, complete the Page Settings section which includes adding a favicon, default header tracking script, default footer tracking script, default keywords, and default meta tags.

With each preset, you can choose to lock the settings or leave them editable by clicking on the lock symbol.

Congratulations, you've just created a new brand!

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