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Class 28 - Collaborate

Knak Admin Certification

Felix Higgs avatar
Written by Felix Higgs
Updated over a week ago

Class 28 covers how to use Knak effectively with your team

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand how to add annotated feedback to an asset

  • How to mark a comment as resolved

  • Collaborator users are free and unlimited, use them!

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to effectively discuss asset designs with your team.

Collaborate Video - 2 minutes πŸ‘‡

Want to learn some more? Here are some help docs that are related to this topic.

Adding collaborators is free and unlimited in Knak so you can add anyone in your organization who may need to be a part of email or landing page design or approvals. Need to add a lot of collaborators? No problem we can do bulk uploads, talk to Knak for help.

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