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See notifications for important events in your account

Updated over 3 years ago

In the upper right hand menu, you can see what's been happening in your account.

When you click on the notification symbol, you can see all of your notifications. They can be marked all as read, marked as read and deleted.

You will see notifications when:


  1. Another user comments in the 'Collaborate' section.

  2. Another user replied to your comment in the 'Collaborate' section.

  3. Multiple people comment on your email in the 'Collaborate' section.

  4. When you are tagged ( in a comment in the 'Collaborate' section.

Status of emails

  1. Your email has been approved.

  2. Your email is in review.

  3. Your email has been deleted.


  1. A user has requested your approval for an email.

  2. A user has requested changed to your email.

Account invitations

  1. Team members have accepted your invitation to their account.

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