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How to Use the Popup Text Editor

Some helpful tips on how to use the popup editor in Knak

Updated over a month ago

The popup editor is really handy for applying a more customized look to your text boxes, learn more about each individual feature through this article for more information. The popup editor is now attached to the top of the create tab when you click on the text you need to edit:

h1, h2 text editing options:

You can apply h1/h2/h3 options through our popup editor to provide more accessibility in your emails. Expand the "Paragraph" menu to select these options.

Select different fonts and font sizes

Expand the menu to customize font and text size! Make sure to highlight the section of text you want to apply this change to.

Keep in mind that the popup editor will override text elements such as text size and font choices. We recommend applying global text changes through the menu on the right side of the builder and using the popup editor for detail work/more customization.

Expand the "T" to find the following text customizing options:

Expand the drop down menu under the Bolded "T" in your menu to find the following options (in order from left to right): change your font weight, bold, italicize, underline, strike-through text, superscript, subscript, and reset formatting:

*Important to note: If you've decided you want to reverse the changes that you applied through the text editor, you can do so by clicking the "reset formatting" button. And keep in mind that using the popup editor will override other text styles you have set up beforehand. If you need to clear formatting highlight the text and click this button to reverse the changes you've made. This is found under this drop down option at the far right.

Add bullet points/numbered lists:

You can also apply more customization for lists through the "list attributes" section on the right side menu. Apply new bullet points by pressing the "enter" key, and to create a sub-bullet, press the tab key. When you are finished with your bullet points, you can press the enter key twice to undo bullet points and continue typing more text. Learn more about customizing lists here: List style.

Apply a different text color or highlight to your text

Expand the button with the black box with the "A" in the middle to select a new font color or to highlight your text

Add in a non-breaking space:

You can double check to see where your non breaking spaces are by clicking the section to see the blue box appear where the space was added:

Add in or delete a hyperlink added into a text box:

From here you can insert/edit a link into a section of your text box.

This will open up a popup screen where you can make adjustments to your link. You can choose if the link will open a webpage, open in app, send an email, send an SMS message, or make a call. You can also choose to have the link open to a new webpage or on the same page. Expand the option to add link tracking too. Just make sure to press save before closing out of this screen to apply your changes to the asset you're working on.

Add in Special Links or Merge Tags

Last but certainly not least, you can add in the merge tags that have been configured to your account to your assets by using the popup editor. For more information on how to set up merge tags/special links check out this help document here: No Code and Multi-MAP Merge Tags.

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