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Administrator Settings

Change settings for the Editor, Modules & Themes, Sync, Review and Advanced

Updated over 3 months ago

Administrators will have access to modify certain settings in the account. These can be found on the left hand side under the Admin section under settings:


Default Email Width

To fit the display capabilities of most email clients, we suggest using a 600px email width.

Default Landing Page Width

To fit most displays we suggest using a 1000px landing page width.

Line Height

Adjust the default line heights for the text editor.

Enable Custom Line Heights

Allows for the selection of specific line height values on text for desktop and mobile rather than simply having four options to choose from

Optimize HTML for Outlook Forwarding

Improves rendering when forwarding from Outlook (increases file size). This setting helps to mitigate rendering issues when an email is forwarded in Outlook, but this does add additional code weight which will make the email more likely to clip in Gmail.

Enhanced Preview Text

This provides the ability to block additional text from being displayed in preview if the preview text is less than 90 characters (increases file size). Learn more here.

Allowed Test Email Domains

Comma separated list of email domains that are allowed to be sent test emails from Knak. If left empty all email domains will be allowed. Example:;,; etc.

Enable Half-Size Fonts

Enables Half Size Fonts when selecting a font size (12, 12.5, 13, 13.5, etc)

Use Dark Mode Editing

Enables editing of custom dark mode styling for Landing Pages and Emails in browsers and supported email clients. Learn more here.

Custom Email Titles

By default email titles are the same as the email subject. Enabling this allows custom email titles to be defined at either the email level or the brand level.

Use Background Images on the Body of Emails

This allows background images to be set on the body of emails. This is a progressive enhancement and will not show in Outlook for Windows.

Automatically Enable Override Restriction

When off, admins will have to manually enable override restrictions in the Editor. Learn more here.

Allow Custom HTML

Enables the use of Custom HTML blocks in the editor.

Disable Image URL Editing

Disables setting image URLs in the editor. Makes it so only images from an image library can be selected.

Enable Email Testing

Enables email testing for email clients in the editor. Learn more here.

Modules & Themes

Knak Themes

Access our collection of 'Themes' to build emails. Learn more here.

Recently Removed Settings

Custom Themes

Create and manage your own Custom Themes.

Module and Theme Restrictions

Add guardrails on modules and themes to ensure brand compliance.

Preset URL Tagging

Uses URL tagging for modules and themes to track which modules and themes are used. More info here. (Reach out to support if you would like to enable Preset URL Tagging)


Knak Launch

Clone, create and deploy Marketo programs from within Knak. Scale your email creation by removing the requirement of your users needing to go into Marketo.

Dynamic Content for Marketing Cloud

Enables dynamic content for Marketing Cloud

Sync Location Restrictions [User Editable]

Allow admins to restrict sync locations for their users


Approve Marketo Emails on Sync

Automatically changes status from ‘Draft’ to ‘Approved’ upon sync. Moved to Integration page. Expand the "Advanced Settings" in your Marketo Platform Connection to toggle this setting on/off.

Approve Marketo Landing Pages on Sync

Automatically changes status from ‘Draft’ to ‘Approved’ upon sync. Moved to Integration page. Expand the "Advanced Settings" in your Marketo Platform Connection to toggle this setting on/off.

Edit Marketo Email Settings

Allow users to adjust Marketo email settings (Publish to Marketo Sales Insight, Operational and Description). Moved to info tab on the lower right hand side.


Recently Removed Setting

Review Settings

Manage reviews and approvals.


Enable SSO

Enable Single Sign-on to allow users to use an Identity Service Provider (IdP) to sign into Knak. Learn more here.

AI Features

Knak AI

Allow users to use Knak AI features. Results from Knak AI are stored locally and will not be shared in an external repository. Learn more here. Needs to be enabled in order to use either/both features below.

AI Alt Text Suggestions

Allow AI to give alt text suggestions for images in the editor.

Subject Line AI Assistant

Allow AI to generate subject lines for emails.


Use AI Translations

Enable AI Translations for emails and landing pages

XLIFF Uploads

Enable XLIFF uploads for emails and landing pages, and choose between XLIFF 1.2 or XLIFF 2.0

Exclude Custom HTML Tokenization

Exclude custom HTML blocks in assets from being tokenized for downloadable base translation file

Submit TransPerfect Requests as On Hold

TransPerfect translation requests will be submitted with a status of On Hold, rather than Active.

Use Knak Translations

Enable the use of Knak Translations for emails or landing pages. This would need to be enabled for manual translations such as sending to TransPerfect or Smartling.


Standard Beta Access

Features will be rolled out in your production instance, prior to general availability. Please note that this means that all users will have access to all new beta features in production. (May contain bugs 🐜 )

Use Schedule Programs

Allows programs to be scheduled in Marketo

Premium Beta Access (Paid Sandbox Account)*

New Knak features will be available in a mirrored sandbox instance of Knak prior to general availability. Customers have control over when they want to deploy new features rolled out to their end-users.

Enable Auto-Subscribe Admins to our Services' Statuses

Turning this on will subscribe all current admins and any future admins to our services' statuses. Learn more here.

Need more help? Contact support via live chat within Knak using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner or email

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