Administrators will have access to modify certain settings in the account. These can be found on the left hand side under the Admin section:
and then Company > Settings
Default Email Width
To fit the display capabilities of most email clients, we suggest using a 600px email width.
Default Landing Page Width
To fit most displays we suggest using a 1000px landing page width.
Line Height
Adjust the default line heights for the text editor.
Optimize HTML for Outlook Forwarding
Improves rendering when forwarding from Outlook (increases file size).
Enhanced Preview Text
This provides the ability to block additional text from being displayed in preview if the preview text is less than 90 characters (increases file size).
Enable Half-Size Fonts
Enables Half Size Fonts when selecting a font size (12, 12.5, 13, 13.5, etc)
Use Background Images on the Body of Emails
This allows background images to be set on the body of emails. This is a progressive enhancement and will not show in Outlook for Windows.
Modules & Themes
Knak Themes
Access our collection of 'Themes' to build emails.
Custom Themes
Create and manage your own Custom Themes.
Module and Theme Restrictions
Add guardrails on modules and themes to ensure brand compliance.
Preset URL Tagging
Uses URL tagging for modules and themes to track which modules and themes are used. More info here
Knak Launch
Clone, create and deploy Marketo programs from within Knak. Scale your email creation by removing the requirement of your users needing to go into Marketo.
Approve Marketo Emails on Sync
Automatically changes status from ‘Draft’ to ‘Approved’ upon sync.
Approve Marketo Landing Pages on Sync
Automatically changes status from ‘Draft’ to ‘Approved’ upon sync.
Edit Marketo Email Settings
Allow users to adjust Marketo email settings (Publish to Marketo Sales Insight, Operational and Description).
Review Settings
Manage reviews and approvals.
Chrome Extension Integration
Chrome plugin that allows you to import and send Knak emails directly from Gmail.
Standard Beta Access
Features will be rolled out in your production instance, prior to general availability. Please note that this means that all users will have access to all new beta features in production. (May contain bugs 🐜 )
Premium Beta Access (Paid Sandbox Account)*
New Knak features will be available in a mirrored sandbox instance of Knak prior to general availability. Customers have control over when they want to deploy new features rolled out to their end-users.
Need more help? Contact support via live chat within Knak using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner or email